Are you curious as to what all the mindfulness talk is all about these days and wondering what it even means? Perhaps you understand the concept, but struggle to implement it into your daily life and experience the benefits. If so, this mini-series is made just for you!
What you will learn:
Week 1 - Mindfulness
The meaning and significance of mindfulness will be discussed. You will take away daily tips and practices to implement immediately.
Week 2 - Meditation and Movement
Different styles of meditation will be discussed and explored. Meditation myths will be examined and mindful movement will be practiced.
Week 3 - Gratitude
Begin seeing life through a new lens! We will discuss how a daily gratitude practice increases well-being. Affirmations and visualizations will be discussed.
Week 4 - Stress and the Body
Understand the impact stress has on the body. Exercises to begin becoming more aware of our reactivity and responding to stressful situations with clarity and intention.
Course Details:
Location: 6315 Presidential Court, Suite 120
(within Lifescape Counseling Services)
Course Dates: Mondays, Nov 25th-Dec 16th
Time: 6-7pm
Course Fee: $40
Andrew’s Anthem, Inc., a 501(c)3 Non-Profit organization, is a suicide prevention initiative focusing on the art of fully living. A copy of the official registration (registration#CH57366) and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling the toll-free number within the State (800-435-7352). Registration does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the State. www.FloridaConsumerHelp.com. Any donation made to our organization may be claimed as an income tax deduction.