Do you find that you spread yourself too thin during the holidays instead of fully experiencing the joy of the season? Or perhaps the holidays bring up difficult emotions for you due to past experiences? Then join us to learn how to navigate the holidays with calmness, compassion and clarity.
What you will learn:
Week 1 - Time Management
We will dive into a guided personal journey of self-discovery and connect with what matters most. Intentionally reclaim extra minutes in your day that will serve as a catalyst to reawaken joy over the holidays.
Week 2 - Self-Care
We will discuss strategies to take care of yourself including the practice of self-compassion and "letting go".
Week 3 - Stress Less
Having an attitude of gratitude can change how we experience everyday life. Learn how connecting with compassion, setting boundaries and reframing can reduce stress and increase your overall happiness.
Week 4 - Mindfulness in Action
Learn and experience how meditation and mindful movement can support well-being.
Course Details:
Location: 6315 Presidential Court, Suite 120
(within Lifescape Counseling Services)
Course Dates: Sundays, December 1st -22nd
Time: 2-3pm
Course Fee: $40
Andrew’s Anthem, Inc., a 501(c)3 Non-Profit organization, is a suicide prevention initiative focusing on the art of fully living. A copy of the official registration (registration#CH57366) and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling the toll-free number within the State (800-435-7352). Registration does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the State. www.FloridaConsumerHelp.com. Any donation made to our organization may be claimed as an income tax deduction.